Tag Archives: creepy

No points for Creepy… wtf

so a couple of weeks ago I posted here about using the creepy factor in advertising/marketing.  Yes it’s definitely a valid approach to garner attention.

Yet there is something very different between Rob Corrdry dressed as creepy as all get out clown (shudder…clowns) for Adult Swim‘s new show Childrens Hospital, which I would totally watch regardless of the clown get up simply because of Henry Winkler and Meghan Mullally, and this repulsive attempt by Scottish Brewer BrewDog.

Previously I had loved BrewDog’s design, especially Tactical Nuclear Penguin.  But this new one, which is part of the ongoing battle for the world’s strongest beer, uses actual ‘taxidermied’ stoat, squirrel, and other animals as ‘beer cozies’.

BrewDog claims that the animals died of natural causes, which I have no info to validate or not.  Continue reading

Points for creepy?

Generally I’ve always enjoyed Adult Swim’s promotions.  Frankly, I was quite amused by the controversy around their 2007 campaign involving glowing ‘Err’s around Boston… Continue reading